Ai : harmony or union
Aiki : union with the life energy (ki)
Aiki-in-yo-ho : The Aiki principles and methods of Yin and yang
Aiki jujutsu : jujutsu based on the principles of Aiki
Aikijutsu : The art of Aiki
Aiki nage : Aiki throw
Ashi : foot
Ashi ate : art of attacking vital spots with the foot
Ashi waza : foot and leg techniques
Atemi : blows delivered against vulnerable points of the body
Bo : six-foot wooden staff
Bojutsu : The art of the staff
Bu : Military (martial) affairs
Budo : Martial ways
Bujutsu : Martial arts
Bushi : Japan’s classical warriors
Bushido : The way of the warrior
Chuden : intermediate
Daito Ryu : Takeda Sokaku version of Aikijujutsu
Dan : Modern system of “Black belts” grades
Do : The way,pad
Dojo : Exercise hall or hall of the way
Empi : elbow
Foboku : The floating log” an immobilization
Fudoshin : An immovable mind, a state of mind that remains calm and undisturbed
Fukushiki-kokyu : Deep abdominal breathing
Futari dori : being seized by two opponents
Garami : Bent
Gi : Training uniform
Giri : Duty,loyalty,obligation
Goshin jutsu : The art of self-defence
Gyaku-te : Reverse hand or arm
Hakama : Wide,pleated,skirt-like pants
hankyu : Small bow”a restraining hold
Hara : “stomach a word used in budo and bujutsu
Hidari : Left
Hiji : Elbow
Hiji ate : Attacking vital spots with the elbow
Hiza ; Knee
Hiza gashira ate : attacking vital spots with the knee cap
Ikkyo : 1st control
Irimi : Entering body
Jinja : Shrine
Jo : Four foot stick
Jojutsu : The art of the four foot stick
Ju : Yielding
Jujutsu : the art of yielding and pliability
Jutsu : Art,”a skill
Kake : The concluding movement in a throwing technique
Kami : That which is divine,”gods”
Kansetsu waza : Joint techniques
Kata : Form- prearranged formal exercises
Katama waza : techniques of grappling
Katate tori : One hand hold
Katate tori ryote mochi : seizing one of the opponents wrist with both hands
Katsu : System of resuscitation
Kenjutsu : The art of the sword
Ki : Life energy
Ki- ryoku : Ki power one’s will power
Kokoro : Mind or spirit
Kokyu-ho : breathing method
Koryu : Ancient ryu an older martial system
Kote gaeshi : Turning over the wrist
Kubi shime : Neck constriction
Kuzushi : Unbalancing an opponent
Kyusho : A vital point
Maai : Proper distance between opponents
Mae geri : Front kick
Menkyo : Classical teaching license
Migi : Right
Mochi : Hold with the hands
Mokuso : Meditation
Mune : chest
Nage : Throw
Ne waza : Ground grappling
Nihon : Japan
Nikyo : 2 nd control
Osae waza : controlling techniques
Randori : free exercise
Rei : The art of bowing
Ryu : Styl or school
Saika tanden : Lower abdomen
Samurai To serve” a lower ranking bushi
Sankyo : 3 nd control
Seiza : Correct sitting
Sensei : Teacher
Shihan : Title that is samilar to professor
Shiho nage : Four directions throw
Shikko : moving on the knees
Shime waza : methods of srangling
Shinto : The way of the gods
Sogo (budo) : Intergrated composite martial arts
Suwari waza : Sitting techniques
Tai sabaki : Body movement
Tanto : A dagger
Tatami : Woven straw mats used in practice of budo and bujutsu
Tenkan : Turning motion
Tenjin shin’yo ryu : One of the koryu which was developed by Iso Mataemon
Tori : the person who applies the technique
Tsuki : Thrust
Tsugi ashi : Following feet
Ude : arm
Ude garami osae waza : Arm entanglement immobilization
Uke : The person who receives the technique
Ukemi : The art of falling
Uto : A vital point between the eyes
Waza : Technique
Yama : Mountain
Yama arashi : Mountain storm throw
Yawara : older name for jujutsu
Yoko : side
Yoko geri : Side kick
Yonkyo : 4 th control
Zanshin : Remaining mind